The Joy of Sharing In Summer, In Pandemic Times
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis Parish,
Can summer be far off? What beautiful weather.
As you know we are a cereal church for Amazing Grace and lately, we have not been doing very well. I know this pandemic has messed everything up, but people still have to eat. Hinka’s Cupboard serves food on the last Thursday of the month and those numbers seem to be pretty steady. thank you again for the money you give me so I can help out a number of people here in Middletown. The need never goes away. Thankfully, more people are getting into apartments, but still some live outside. How sad.
The boiler bids should be coming in this week. Your guess is as good as mine. It won’t be cheap. But we need a boiler, not for the summer. I will keep you posted. Three companies have told us they do not handle such a large project.
Here are a few guidelines to remember, especially about wearing masks, which is still required in church. Masks are required to be worn by the faithful while inside the church and any church building (school, parish offices, etc.). No social distancing will be required within the church. All pews will be available for seating. Pastors may consider designating a “social distance” section for those who are more vulnerable.
Any requirement for individuals to register in order to attend Mass is to be discontinued. Church bulletins, as well as printed materials (books, holy cards, leaflets, etc.) are permitted. Pastors are encouraged to continue live streaming at least one (1) Sunday Mass.
Holy Water Fonts should be filled and restored to use. Pastors are to ensure that the church, bathrooms, parish facilities, etc. are cleaned on a regular basis. A sign at the entrances to the church reminding people to wear masks is recommended.
Parish or private functions for which parish halls, etc. may be rented must follow State guidelines. There are no restrictions for these events in addition to the State mandates. The State is planning to provide additional guidelines for indoor and outdoor activities later this month. I think we will take down the ropes, but I will keep them handy just in case we need them. Sad to say but this pandemic is far from over.
Look at the eight Yankee baseball players that had the shots and still got the virus. We must not let our guard down. Enjoy this beautiful day. Some crazy pictures. Hard to believe.