Summer is Here!
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Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis Parish,
Summer is here! And we could use a good soaking rain to help the gardens. Heavy rain just runs off into the drains.
Things have been busy here at St. Francis, the biggest thing being the Tag Sale, which did really well, from the reports from Sue W. It is a lot of hard work and I extend a huge “thank you” to all who helped Sue W. make it so successful.
Our Spanish family is now in an apartment in Hartford. Helping them move was an experience. Third floor. Very nice apartment. They will most probably need some continued help, but they are determined to “make it in America.” I will keep you posted.
Our new 4:00 pm mass organist, Thomas Panico, did a great job and everyone was pleased. Good music is really nice. Since my go-to organist, Joanne Swift from Cromwell and long-time friend, was unable to play for Dr. Mike Brothers’ funeral, due to another funeral she had to play for, Tom filled in and did a good job.Our fiscal year ends June 30. We will get all the money stuff in order, Paola will do it, naturally, and get a report out to everyone ASAP. We will have a finance committee meeting after the report is done and we will also have a parish council meeting.
Things are getting back to some kind of normal, but we can’t let our guard down. Covid is still here and people are still getting sick, though not like before. I went to Stop and Shop this morning after Mass with the Gianelli sisters and wore a mask.
Masks are not required for our Masses, but I highly recommend them.
On Saturday, June 25, at St. Patrick in Norwich, Deacon Jacob Ramos will be ordained a priest. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins his work among us.
Our Father George Busto is on the move again, this time to the northeast corner of our State, an area I know very well from my many years in eastern Connecticut. He will be filling in for a priest who is on medical leave. As I told him, “Don’t unpack!” Father George should not be called “Father Super Sub!”
Today I am going to see some of our shut-ins. I have been so busy lately, that I have not seen many of them for quite some time, too much time. I will bring my “uk” and sign “You are my sunshine.”
Enjoy these airport pictures. Unreal!!!!