Don’t People Watch the News
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Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis Parish,
I am hoping you all have a blessed Fourth of July weekend.
Even though our country is divided politically, economically and socially, it is still the “land of opportunity.”
This month I got to see or have contact with via phone, all our “shut ins.” Most are in pretty good shape. We must keep in contact with all our parishioners as best we can. I thank God for the internet and e mail.
I have been singing some patriotic songs to make me feel better about life, and it works. Music can really lift us and I enjoy playing one of my five guitars in my room.
We now have a new priest, Father Jacob Ramos, who was ordained last Saturday in Norwich. He is stationed at UConn in Storrs and St. Mary in Coventry, with Father Jonathan Ficara, our director for priestly vocations.
I can’t imagine flying anywhere this weekend. Don’t people watch the news? Guess not. I know we Americans love to travel, but with all the cancelations, and the rise in Covid cases, I think it best to stay close to home, which I intend to do.
We need a new roof on the rectory, so I have contacted five local well known companies with good references.
They are coming to look at the roof and making bids for us to consider. The Diocese must approve our decision, so I will be in contact with the Parish Council and the Finance Committee when all the bids are in.
If you want to suggest a roofing company, please let me know ASAP.
I hope the AC works in the church this weekend, especially today.
I’m sure I could write a lot more, but it’s hot and I need to rest and get ready for a 2:00 pm Spanish baptism and mass at 4:00. Hopefully I will watch the fireworks this evening.