Hurray, Mass again at 4: oo on Saturdays
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis Parish,
I was watching some golf this afternoon when the BIG announcement came, that was long anticipated, Amy Coney Barrett is now the nominee to fill Justice Ginsberg’s place on the Supreme Court. Judging from the media on all sides, it is either the end of civilization as we know it, or the beginning of a bright new era. Don’t be surprised if it isn’t either. I will keep her in my prayers as I do all the Supreme Court Justices.
I had two funerals on Friday and a baptism in Spanish this afternoon at 1:00 pm, picture included. Little 4-year-old Alexander Israel, not a happy camper about getting baptized. I also have a baptism tomorrow at 10, right after Mass. This will be a busy week, starting tomorrow. Mass at 9:00, Baptism at 10:00, Spanish Mass at 11:00 and Confirmation Retreat with Confession at noon.
Confirmation will be on Friday, Oct 2, at 7:00 pm. I will be doing the honors in place of Bishop Cote. I did many Confirmations when I was working at the York Prison in Niantic. I also did many when I was in Ecuador, many years ago in the farmlands, i.e. the campo.
On Saturday, Oct. 3, we have our St. Francis Dinner, although it will be much different than years previous. Grinders. I like grinders. We still need everyone to return the raffle tickets. Someone has to win. It looks like we will make over $8,000 with the raffle and over $8,500 with the tag sale. We will spend it quickly, unfortunately.
The Gianelli sisters tell me that my Italian is getting better. I think that’s true. It is very satisfying saying Mass in Italian with them. I really look forward to it Monday -Saturday, even though it is at 6:30 am.
Hinks’s Kitchen was a big hit this past Thursday. So many people coming for food. I thank those of you who give me money for donations to the people I help on a semi regular basis. With winter coming, many of them will not be able to pay the electric bills or the rent. Many, who don’t work high paying jobs, have had their hours cut. They really appreciate the quarters so they can do the laundry. The coin shortage is certainly not helping their situation.
I would also urge those of you who do most, if not all, of your banking online, to seriously consider our online giving program. Down the road our weekly envelopes will be relics of a time past. Personally, I like the envelopes, but times do change.
Next Saturday, we will have a 4:00 pm mass which will continue. We must keep vigilant and wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and keep our distance. I am very concerned about the regular flu combining with C 19. Not a good combination by any means.
Enjoy the pictures. The tree is usually very bright, but this year, with so little rain, the colors are really dull.