Remember the 7th works…
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis Parish,
What a nice summer day, lower humidity, lower temperature, but it won’t last. Heatwave coming. Joy!!!
I got up a little earlier than usual this morning and the doorbell rang at 6:00 am. A very polite black lady asked me for some food or money because she was homeless and had slept outside last night and was trying to get some assistance today. Luckily, I had some money. No, the homeless are not just going to disappear. Remember the corporal works of mercy … all seven of them.
Later this morning I took my blind friend to Hartford Health Dental to get his tooth out, after a delay of some six months due to C 19. Finally. Now it’s time to fight the infection.
I watched the first part of the local news, channel 3 I think, and it was really disheartening. Layoffs from big chain hotels and their restaurants. No surprise, just very sad. Bradley Airport is in the same situation.
Weekend Mass. So great to see familiar faces but having Holy Communion at the end of Mass and then dismissing everyone is really not pretty nor is it very reverent. There has to be a better way. How much of a danger could it be to return to our seats for a few minutes of silent reflection of thanksgiving and then end mass in the normal way?
We now have a fund for Sister Gloria. As I mentioned before the Diocese is asking us to kick in $5,000 to help them pay for Sister Gloria. I think this is a very just request, especially in light of C 19 and its devastating effect on income worldwide, including our parish and the Diocese.
Presently we have $1,000. Only $4,000 more to do. If you want to donate, please make a check out to St. Francis Parish with Sister Gloria in the menu area.
As I also mentioned the ACA, Annual Catholic Appeal, will be held on Sunday, July 26. I hope by now you have had a chance to mail in your donation. This yearly collection is vital for the Diocese to maintain its ministries and I’m sure this year is not going to make its goal thanks to C 19. Just another casualty.
As of last Wednesday, at 11:15 am I was negative for C 19. Hooray! Of course that can change in a heartbeat.
Some cat pictures. I love cats.