GPS Gadgets to Navigate the Tag-Sale
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Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis Parish,
We certainly can use some rain. But California can use unlimited amounts and it doesn’t look good for them and the entire western area. As much as we like to complain, at least we have enough water.
I went to the St. John Paul 2nd graduation last night at St. Colman in Middlefield and it was a very nice affair. All of the graduates are going to Mercy and Xavier. This is the last graduation for Mr. Larry Fitzgerald, the outstanding principal, who has led the school for the last five years. He has done a great job. We wish him the best.
Our mega Tag Sale starts tomorrow, running two weekends, June 5 and 6, June 11 and 12, from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. So much stuff!!!!. We will issue free GPS gadgets so you won’t get lost.
We also have two “Sweet 15’s” tomorrow at 2:00 pm. We are having them together and it will be very nice. However, I have no idea where everyone will park.
Bishop Cote came last Saturday for Confirmation and everything went really well. Bishop Cote has a sciatica problem, which many of us can relate to.
For Amazing Grace we are no longer looking for cereal, but for pasta. I’m sure we will go back to cereal sometime in the future, but for now, bring on the pasta and sauce!
The world continues out of control, with the Yankees and Mets in the first place and the Sox falling further behind. I think the Almighty may have to intervene directly to make things right.
My supply of snacks and socks is in good shape. Thank you so much for thinking of the poor.
Our family from Venezuela has some good leads on apartments. They seem to have everything they need for now.
This weekend we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost, one the three greatest feasts of the Christian Church, Easter being the first, along with Christmas. If it wasn’t for Pentecost, we would not have a church.
We are having a vigil on Saturday night from 8:00 pm until 10:00 pm for Pentecost. Sister Gloria always surprises me with something new. She is so creative.
This month I am going to make a super effort to visit all our shut ins. The list is growing and I’m going to need some help in this area. It is always so rewarding to visit them and solve the problems of the world, and usually get something to eat.
Our fiscal year ends June 30, so I think we will have a finance committee meeting in July after Paola gets everything in order. We are still paying our bills, thanks to your generosity. Down the road, we need a new roof on the rectory and we have to do something with the parish center floor.
BTW, I spoke with Bishop Cote about the letter I have to send him next year as I turn 75, on April 15, Tax Day. We talked about a number of priests over 75 who are still working. He said with the shortage of priests I should get a positive response to staying on. As long as I have my health I will stay here.