We will Baptisms and Confirmations
Dear parishioners and friends of St. Francis parish,
Rain is coming. Thank you, god. You could also send a bunch to California. You know things are bad when the grape vineyards are burning.
A busy weekend. Two baptisms, two Masses, confirmation retreat with confessions for all. We have confirmation here this coming Friday at 7:00 pm. 13 in all, 11 teenagers and two adults. I will do the honors. Mass will be bilingual. Limited seating, naturally. But such is life with C 19.
Saturday is our St. Francis Grinder night with raffle drawing at 7;00 pm. Please get your tickets back ASAP.
We will begin our Saturday Vigil Mass this Saturday, at 4:00 pm. Another sign of returning to “normal,” but not really.
This weekend we will again be collecting cereal for Amazing Grace and bringing it there on Tuesday morning, not Monday like in the past. They are very happy about us getting back on track with cereal because they always need it. We also continue to support Hinka’s Pantry.
Last Thursday Nettie and her great crew were busy as beavers from 11 am to 1 pm. I’m not sure how many cars they serviced, but it was a lot and they also did home deliveries.
The center is almost recognizable. So much stuff was sold and now the floor is coming back into view. I don’t know the final number, but it is at least $8,600. Lots of work and it paid off. Thank you to everyone, especially Sue W.
Thank you for the quarters and other donations you give me to help the poor. The need is endless and without more government help, many are going to lose their apartments. Not a pretty picture.
The work of putting in new gas lines around the church has about one more week to go, according to the guys doing the work. Big job. We will get our parking lot back.
Nobody likes vultures, yet they are magnificent fliers.