Liturgy Committee
In addition to the ordained ministries, there are functions in the liturgy that are exercised by lay people who put their time and talent at the service of the liturgical assembly, such as the acolytes (altar servers), the readers, the extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, the singers, the choir members, the musicians, the song leaders and the ushers. Others contribute their time and talent for the planning and organization of the liturgy, maintenance of the temple, of the vestments and sacred vessels, others are in charge of the decoration of the temple to reflect the spirit of the celebration or of the liturgical time. If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries, please speak with Fr. Kennedy or Sr. Gloria. This committee meets a few times a year.
Servants of the Altar – Readers – Ministers of the Eucharist – Ushers
Faith Formation Committee
Works with pastoral staff to shape and evaluate the religious education of parishioners of all ages.