Parish Council
The Parish Council advises the pastoral staff, sets goals, and provides leadership for the parish. New council members are elected each year for terms of three years.
The members of the Parish Council are:
Fr. Russell Kennedy Ex-Officio | Octavio Flores Deacon | Sr. Gloria Saldarriaga Pastoral Assistant | Xiomara Campos Co-President |
Frank Pizarro Co-President | John Ryczek Trustee-Ex-Officio | Peter Sipples Finance Council President | Sherrie Schlechtweg Fundraising Committee |
Jonathan Peterson | Iolani Peterson Director of Rel. Ed | Tom Reagan | Edward Drew |
Edward Rosado | Paola Rodriguez |
Parish Finance Council
By mandate of the canon law, the Church asks that every parish have a financial council to support the pastor in the supervision and the attainment of funds necessary for the parish to carry out its mission. St. Francis Finance council meets several times during the year to aid the pastor and pastoral staff to set the annual budget, periodically review parish finances and make recommendations. The financial council is appointed by the pastor.
The members of the Financial Council are:
Peter Sipples Finance Council President | Fr. Russell Kennedy Ex-Officio | John Ryczek Trustee – Ex-Officio |
Istvan Peck Finance Council Secretary | Paola Rodriguez Bookkeeper | Frank Pizarro Parish Council Co-President |
Sherrie Schlechtweg Events and Fundraiser Coordinator | Joseph Bibisi |
Social Committee
The social committee provides set up, clean up, and refreshments for all the major functions for St. Francis, including Coffee Socials, St. Francis Feast and Dinner, First Communion and Confirmation receptions, multicultural celebration. This past spring, the social committee served over 120 people at the St Vincent De Paul soup kitchen. Your help is needed for this important and very active committee!
Concerns itself with hospitality and the social life of the parish community. It also provides set up, clean up, and refreshments for all the major functions for St. Francis, including First Communion and Confirmation. Click here for more information about current projects and how you can join.
Event Planning Committee
This group provides an opportunity for you to make a real difference in the parish. One of our goal is to have fundraisers that involve people beyond our parish and make community participation a reality.
Also, if you have any ideas for innovative events (for example, book signings, walking tours, card parties, etc.), please let us know! We need your ideas and enthusiasm. Sherrie Schlechtweg and Sue Gombotz are co-chairing this committee.
Building, Grounds, Maintenance
Oversees the parish’s physical plant and makes recommendations concerning improvements.
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