Below are times for regularly-occurring masses, classes, and meetings. Please see the Event Calendar page for special events.
Daily | 5:00 PM Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday |
Sunday Vigil | 4:00 PM Saturday |
Sunday | 9:00 AM English Mass 11:00 A.M Spanish Mass |
Confession | Saturday 3:00 – 3:45 PM in the church, or by appointment. |
Holy Hour | Thursday 6:00 PM |
9:45 am – 10:45 am September through May.
- Sunday 18:
- Group 1 & 2
- Sunday 25:
- Group 3 & 4
- 1st: Group 1 & 2
- 8th: Group 3 & 4
- 15th: Group 1 & 2
- 22nd: Group 3 & 4
- 29th: NO CLASS
- 6th: Group 1 & 2
- 13th: Group 3 & 4
- 20th: Group 1 & 2
- 27th: NO CLASS
Coffee Social
Held the 1st Sunday of each month, following the 9:00 am and 12:00 Noon Masses. Take this great opportunity to meet fellow parishioners.
***Coffee Social is on Hold due to C-19
Communion to Homebound
Parishioners who are homebound or in convalescent homes are visited at least once a month.
The local hospital is visited weekly.

Communion to the Homebound: those who have received diocesan training as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion unite us with those who cannot be with us at Mass by bringing the Eucharist to homes, hospitals and nursing care facilities. To receive an assignment, please contact the parish office.
Hospital visitation and Communion to the homebound. When you have a family member admitted to the hospital, please inform the Pastoral Care in order that they are visited and are able to receive communion. Please, also, inform the office when a family member is admitted to the hospital or nursing facility.
Prayers for the sick
If you or a member of your family are suffering from a serious or chronic illness and would like the community of St. Francis to join you in prayers for this special intention, please contact the parish office at 860-347-4684 to request this service. The sick of our parish will be remembered during the Masses that week and then listed in the bulletin for three (3) months. To remain on the list after three months, a follow-up call is necessary.
Parish Council
Meets at 6:30 PM on the 4th Monday of each month, September through June. Everyone is welcome.